On its farewell, Altfinator summed up all the challenges and solutions for the growth of alternative finance in Europe, through analysing the main results and conclusions which arose from the project.

The project’s final event‘Overcoming the financial gap in Europe by supporting SMEs – what and how?’took place on April 16th, and brought to the table the lack of access to alternative finance in Southern, Central and Eastern Europe, which largely contrasts with Northern and Western Europe. With so much to tackle regarding this discrepancy, the event was divided into three webinars:

» Altfinator Final Event – Resources you have not yet taken advantage of – matchmake, train, and network with Altfinator

In this webinar Altfinator provided a roundup of activities, training and events in alternative finance; presented matchmaking tools suited to bring together partners engaged in alternative finance; introduced what is perceived to be the future of financing and how to be prepared for it; and analysed Altfinator’s legacy, addressing the question: what comes next?

The webinar was moderated by Robert Miskuf from PEDAL Consulting, and counted with the participation as speakers of Lijana Mockienė from MediaPark, Chiara Franzoni from POLIMI, and Ramona Dremljuga from CIVITTA Estonia.

Missed it? Don’t worry you can watch it online »

» Altfinator Final Event – Europe and alternative finance – What are the challenges, risks, and outlooks?

The second thematic webinar started by going back to basics, addressing the question – what is alternative finance and what can you use it for? -; it also broke down 10 golden rules of alternative finance; and examined the future of fintech in terms of key players, technologies and scenarios.

This webinar was moderated by Ronald Kleverlaan (Crowdfunding Hub), and counted with the participation as speakers of Katalin Kovács (Innomine), and Dimitri Gagliardi (University of Manchester).

Missed it? Don’t worry you can watch it online »

» Altfinator Final Event – How to ensure increased access to alternative financing for SMEs in Europe?

The last webinar pointed out European best practices in alternative finance, and concluded with a panel discussion on European legislation, differences in approaching alternative finance in different countries, gender aspects, the successful case of Estonia, and the less mature ecosystem of Hungary.

The discussion was moderated by Gábor Mátrai (IVSZ – The ICT Association of Hungary), and counted with the participation as panelists of Ronald Kleverlaan (Crowdfunding Hub), Dimitri Gagliardi (University of Manchester), Riivo Anton from UnitedAngels VC and CIVITTA, Mihkel Stamm from EstateGuru and FinanceEstonia, Éva Fábry from European Centre for Women and Technology, Trinh Ahn Tuan from Corvinus University and Nóra Szeles from Tőkeportál.

Missed it? Don’t worry you can watch it online »

Altfinator, where PEDAL is a partner, ended on a successful note.

It was a pleasure working together to boost alternative finance in Europe!

