Altfinator is an EU-funded international project aimed at increasing awareness about alternative financing among innovative SMEs, alternative financing providers and policymakers. A complex strategy plan was developed by the project consortium during the spring/summer 2018. It is now undergoing validation process, during which experts on alternative financing provide feedback to the project strategy plan.

One of the planned validation workshops took place in Bratislava, Slovakia on September 26. Representatives of the project from Slovakia (PEDAL Consulting) and Hungary (Innomine) hosted about a dozen of experts, mainly from Slovakia, but also from the Czech Republic Portugal, Lithuania and Ukraine in the premises of the Slovak crowdfunding company Crowdberry.

After presentations describing the project and the key points of its strategy, the experts discussed in two groups the strong and weak points of the strategy and suggested various alterations. Among participants, there were representatives of the Ministry of Finance, investors, law specialists and consultancies.

The formal part of the event was followed by a networking lunch and invitation to further cooperation on the issues of alternative finances. The strategy will be further tested during the second and third validation workshops which will be held in Budapest and Milan, respectively.

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PEDAL is a partner in the Altfinator project
