24th November 2022, Bologna: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITA DI BOLOGNA, in cooperation with a highly experienced team of several partners, recently introduced a new project “CARINA: CARinata and CamelINA to boost the sustainable diversification in EU farming systems”. It will be carried out thanks to the European Commision funding of 7,512,996 Euros under its Horizon Europe programme (HORIZON-CL6-2022-CIRCBIO-01-04).
The project builds on 2 new oilseed crops, carinata and camelina. They are special thanks to their ability to provide multiple low iLUC feedstocks for the bio-based economy. Carinata and camelina are able to successfully grow almost everywhere in Europe and in northern Africa. High quality oils extracted from the plants can be transformed into innovative bio-based products (bioherbicides, bioplastics). The project team plans to valorise the co-product of their production – a protein-rich cake as animal feed. Together with a multitude of high added-value products, exploiting the mucilage and glucosinolates contained within.
CARINA aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
1. identify and promote innovative, diversified and sustainable farming systems;
2. produce innovative biochemicals (monomer and polymers) from camelina an carinata;
3. provide a set of policy recommendations to promote the deployment of sustainable agricultural systems for bioeconomy;
4. evaluate the economic profitability and environmental impacts associated to new cropping systems with camelina and carinata;
5. showcase the replicability potential of the CARINA systems mainly across Europe;
6. promote awareness of all the actors along the value chain, through their direct engagement in social innovation
By October 2026, there will have been 9 lighthouses, 5 living labs, and 9 policy innovation labs established in Europe to promote, test, develop and demonstrate project activities and findings.
Thanks to such a challenging project, PEDAL Consulting is able to join more than 20 partners from 13 European and associated countries in their effort to bring social innovation to 3 mil. farmers.
About PEDAL Consulting
PEDAL Consulting is an innovation management consulting firm. It has got a 12+ year experience in the design and implementation of partnerships and cooperation models while addressing societal challenges. It is also the leading SME national performer with the most approved and successfully implemented grants under the Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and COSME programmes of the European Commission. The multinational team strives to deliver outstanding results to clients – from both the public and private sectors across multiple industries, geographies, and policy domains. Pedal Consulting has got extended networks in all EU member states, but also in wider Europe, Eurasia, Africa, MENA, South America, and the United States.
Contact – Project Coordinator:
Mr Tito Della Rosa, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (Italy)
email:, ph.: +39 051 209 88 58
Project Media officer:
Mr Gabor Mester, PEDAL Consulting s.r.o. (Slovakia)
email:, ph.: +36 304 30 64 57
The CARINA project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101081839.