As a part of the strategic dissemination and communication plan the HubIT online collaborative Platform will be created where the project information and European Framework Model tools and services can be accessed.
This online collaborative Platform is represented as the HubIT Metropolis! Where all the activities, tools and resources deployed in the project are made available at different locations of the Metropolis. This will facilitate and encourage the constructive interactions between stakeholders leading to a responsible approach to Research and Innovation.
Soon you will be able to visit our Metropolis and to contribute to linking Social Sciences and Humanities and Responsible Research and Innovation practices with key ICT issues.
There will be lots to see and do!
– Meet the heart of our Hub, the “Dawn Square”: where all the ideas and concepts of HubIT are explained;
– Take a walk in the “Policy Recommendations Avenue” to the majestic “Policy District”: learn the trends and contributions to shape the policy blueprint for the SSH-RRI integration into ICT-enabled technologies;
– Have fun solving interesting conundrums at the “Amusement Park of ICT Challenges”: contribute to link SSH and RRI practices with key ICT issues;
– Make valuable connections at the “Get Connected Airport”: engage and network with other peers and stakeholders;
– Check out our prestigious “Assessment Campus”: make a self-assessment, find out if you meet the SSH-RRI requirement for ICT.
Soon you will be able to visit the HubIT Metropolis and get access to useful information to ensure that responsible ICT enabled research and innovation becomes a reality!
PEDAL Consulting is a partner in this project.
Photo by Huma Kabakci on Unsplash