International public procurement in general gives many opportunities to participating companies to open new markets and create partnerships. However, the most common barrier for companies to communicate with their business partners without having any issues is the language barrier. Despite the fact that many tenders are written in French, English still remains the main used language within the EU.


While some public agencies publish tenders in their native languages, others publish their information in other languages. To avoid creating problems to international bidders, and upon request, tenders can be translated to the requested language. More information regarding this service has been previously provided and reported in the Tenderio blog article. This is however a bit of challenge which requires more time and dedication of people involved in the translation process.


Nowadays, companies would instead welcome a secured service that would allow them to communicate with their foreign business partners openly, without having any language issues.


And here comes, out of a sudden, a special tool that helps everybody involved in the procurement business! The European Commission together with other businesses have created an eTranslation tool for translating texts and documents. It is based on the similar principles as commonly available commercial tools but it works from a secured work environment and offers a sufficiently large data storage. The service is free of charge to anyone looking for a reliable tool for translating documents. The tool works in all the official languages of the EU, as well as in Icelandic and Norwegian language.


eTranslation tool is available here:
