At PEDAL Consulting, our commitment to making positive impact in the lives of others is rooted in our core values. “We care“ attitude inspires us in the longer term to help those in need. Last week, we had the privilege of donating new laptops to the hospital in Martin, Slovakia – Univerzitná nemocnica v Martine.
During our visit, we met with the Chief of the Psychiatric Department, who expressed gratitude for the contribution. We are happy to share that the laptops will also reach the Clinic for children and teenagers. By providing tools for learning and entertainment, we hope to create a nurturing environment that supports young patients on the road to recovery.
At the personal, as well as at the company´s level, we have been trying to look for opportunities to lend a helping hand. “We care” is not just a catchphrase for our team. It guides us and shapes our actions. We firmly believe that by caring for one another and our community, we can drive positive change and create a better future for everyone.
We invite you to join us on this journey of making a difference.
Find out more about our Core values:
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