In the context of the HubIT project (H2020), the first ICT MakerLab was organised in Berlin on 21-23 February 2020. This event aimed at bringing together experts from the fields of SSH and ICT to create concrete digital products with social added value and reflect on the ethical aspects of digital activities.
In total, 19 participants from 6 countries took part in the event. Participants were divided into 5 interdisciplinary teams, which competed during 2,5 days in designing and building ICT prototypes that aimed to raise awareness on or address social issues. The teams could rely on several infrastructures available on site (3D printers, laser cutter, etc….) and were coached by a technical team. They also partook in a self-assessment session where they reflected and discussed in group about their work division and the ethical aspects of their product. Finally, they pitched their ideas to 3 professional experts & judges and had the possibility to showcase their products to the participants during a small maker fair. The winning team from the project called “Mummy’s little income shrinker” developed a weighing machine displaying the evolution of the gender pay gap depending on the number of children a woman has.
This event was the first MakerLab of the working package entitled “practical collaborative events” and under the responsibility of nexus. Further events that aim to bring social scientists and ICT experts to work together on responsible innovations are going to take place on 27-29 March 2020 in Berlin (registrations are open here) and in Budapest in May 2020.
Pedal Consulting is a partner in the HubIT project.