ONE EARTH Project to transform residual biomass of animal origin into sustainable products


26. June 2024, Bologna (Italy): The ONE EARTH project is kicking-off to develop innovative bio-based solutions for a sustainable circular economy. Funded from the Horizon Europe program of the European Commission in the amount of €3,999,971.25, it brings together an interdisciplinary and international consortium of leading researchers and industry experts from across Europe.

A four-year long research project, ONE EARTH aims to develop and assess bio-based solutions for nutraceuticals, cosmetics, bioadhesives, fertilizers, and fish feed. By exploiting residual biomass of animal origin from terrestrial and aquatic resources and using terrestrial biomass for aquaculture products, it will create integrated circular value chains. Thus, addressing global sustainability challenges and promoting a self-reinforcing carbon cycle.

The ambitious goals are set to generate significant advancements in bio-based product development. Key activities include:

  • Production of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and polypeptides from cheese whey, chicken feathers, and fish scales.
  • Development of circular goods based on residual biomasses and products mentioned above, such as cosmetic creams, bioadhesives, food/pet feed components and fish feed, as well as phosphorus-rich fertilizers from fishbones and organic residues.
  • Comprehensive safety and quality testing of the developed products.
  • Assessment of the economic, environmental, and social sustainability of the proposed solutions .

The project consortium is coordinated by Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna (UNIBO). It comprises of 14 highly qualified and experienced partners from eight European countries (Italy, Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Slovakia). As well as associated countries (Ukraine, Switzerland). These include universities, research organisations, and industry leaders, ensuring a well-rounded and robust approach to tackling the project’s objectives.

Contact Person for Media:
Olga Verheles, PEDAL Consulting

Project Coordinator:
Lorenzo Bertin, Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna

This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No. 101135559. This press release reflects the views only of the author, and all partners of the project ONE EARTH and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
