PEDAL Consulting joined Circular Slovakia

With gratitude, PEDAL Consulting received the approval to join the national initiative for the circular economy – Circular Slovakia. It associates more than 60 members from among the international as well as local companies and organisations. Together with them, we plan to further contribute to building a more sustainable society.

The participation in such a unique platform will enable us to share experience, expertise and best practise from the implementation of our projects and be proactive in the fields we are interested in. Mainly focusing on energy efficiency, bioeconomy and environment.

About Circular Slovakia

The public-private partnership was founded in 2019 with the support of Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic and other important key players. It aims to support the circular economy (CE) in Slovakia via various activities. The platform builds on 4 main pillars: increasing the awareness on CE, elimination of barriers for the transition into the CE, new partnerships and the exchange of experience. Moreover, it offers own unique products and services.

More information:

Other PEDAL´s memberships

In order to participate in a structured dialogue with key stakeholders in various fields, take advantage of networking and increase the proactivity in specific areas, PEDAL Consulting is a member of various alliances, networks and collaboration platforms:

We are also one of the co-founding partners of:

  • EuBioNet
    – an alliance of EU funded projects focusing on bioeconomy;
    – the one-stop-shop for tendering across Europe. 

Find out more on all our projects implemented in various areas:
