ALFA - Unlocking biogas potential

The project “ALFA – Scaling up the market uptake of renewable energy systems by unlocking the biogas potential of agriculture and livestock farming” aims to support at least 50 livestock farmers in 6 EU (Italy, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Greece, Spain). 

The goal is to overcome existing barriers and viably take up biogas systems. It will start by establishing regional Hubs that analyse the local framework conditions and livestock value chains. They will help engage local stakeholders in co-designing approach.

Then, it will enhance selected livestock farmers’ business and technical capacity. Using the means of providing them with a series of demand-driven financial, business, and technical support services. Also, by organising dedicated capacity-building seminars.

In parallel, the project will develop an Engagement Platform hosting tools that facilitate collaboration and knowledge exchange among industry actors. It will as well provide credible estimations of each farm’s biogas potential, prospect profits, environmental and social impacts. Also, it aspires to improve the societal acceptance of biogas facilities amongst citizens by 25 % (or above) through well-tailored awareness-raising campaigns.

At the same time, it will trigger the development of an enabling environment for the market uptake of biogas. Using the means of formulating relevant policy recommendations and widely disseminating them to more than 60 policymakers.

Finally, a monitoring and evaluation framework will evaluate the performance and impact of all the above. Thus, providing us with the intel required to catalyse mutual learning across regions and contribute to creating a guide for replicating the project results.

This project is coordinated by Q-PLAN INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS PC. The project consortium is comprised of PEDAL Consulting and 9 other partners from countries all over Europe.

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