The ONE EARTH project aims to create a circular value chain by developing innovative bio-based solutions transforming and valorizing residual biomass of animal origin. The process will provide for production of valuable products for the cosmetic, agricultural, feeds industries, and beyond. By integrating marine and terrestrial biomass in a circular economy approach, it will promote sustainability and a self-reinforcing carbon cycle.
ROSETTA – Reducing food waste generated by marketing standards
The main scope of the ROSETTA project “Reducing food waste due to marketing standards through alternative market access” is to address and reduce food waste. Particularly by focusing on waste generated by the use of marketing standards in the food industry.
SUSTRACK – designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems
The SUSTRACK – “Supporting the identification of policy priorities and recommendations for designing a sustainable track towards circular bio-based systems” – is a three-year project aimed at supporting policymakers in their efforts to develop sustainable pathways to replace fossil and carbon-intensive systems with sustainable circular and biobased systems at the EU and regional scale. In this way it plans to contribute to achieving the European Green Deal’s objectives.
CARINA – Carinata and Camelina to boost EU farming systems
The “CARinata and CamelINA to boost the sustainable diversification in EU farming systems – CARINA” project builds on 2 new oilseed crops, Carinata and Camelina. They are special thanks to their ability to provide multiple low iLUC feedstocks for the bio-based economy.
Skill Bill – ReSKILLing for sustainability
The project “SKILL BILL – Skill to boost innovation and professional fulfilment in a sustainable economy” aims to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth
ROBIN – Circular bioeconomies
The project “ROBIN – Deploying circular BIOecoNomies at Regional level with a territorial approach” is set to empower Europe’s Regions. Especially with regard to the adaptation of their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets
T2gE – Transition to Green Economy
In spring 2016, PEDAL Consulting has been awarded a Horizon2020 grant to implement the T2gE project. The main objective of the project was to contribute to a transition towards a green economy in Europe. Mainly through the organization of the international conference “Transition to a green Economy” (T2gE).
This international conference was an event of major strategic nature during the Slovak Presidency of the European Council. It brought together a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Its ambition was to:
• improve understanding of the green economy concept,
• identify conclusions and pathways for transition
• involve and mobilise various actors and stakeholders in the discussions of possible future actions.
The conference also aimed at strengthening the synergy among various recent initiatives and programmes launched by the European Commission. Namely, i.e. 7EAP, Circular economy package, Energy Union, Juncker Commission’s priorities etc. and by the Member States, to the benefit of the overall coherence.