The main goals of the project are the creation of innovative and attractive vocational education and training (VET) offers as well as the improvement of innovation management of VET schools and small and medium-sized enterprises. In this way, the increased use of green technologies can be supported.
v4decarb – Decarbonisation of the industrial sector
Steel, cement, and chemical production are deemed to be hard-to-abate sectors. The project “Decarbonisation of the industrial sector: Sustainable finance as an opportunity?” aims at developing a policy roadmap for the industries as well as coordinating a dialogue among industry leaders, policymakers, and capital market influencers in Visegrad 4 countries.
OPINCHARGE – Innovation in producing safe and long-lasting batteries
The main goal of the initiative “OPINCHARGE – OPerando analyses and modelling of INterface dynamics and CHARGE transport in lithium-ion batteries” is to develop a set of effective operando nano-scale and sub-nano-scale techniques and methodologies. The aim being the analysis and understanding of interactions between the interfacial structure, its chemical evolution and charge dynamics in unprecedented level of detail.
SOIL2POWER – Revolutionary biological reactor
Smart agriculture is determined to play a major role in fostering water and energy conservation solutions. Innovation technologies should help with overcoming current technical, economic, and sustainable barriers.
Skill Bill – ReSKILLing for sustainability
The project “SKILL BILL – Skill to boost innovation and professional fulfilment in a sustainable economy” aims to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth
ALFA – Unlocking biogas potential
The project “ALFA – Scaling up the market uptake of renewable
energy systems by unlocking the biogas potential of agriculture and livestock
farming” aims to support
SEIFA – Sustainable energy activation
The “SEIFA – Sustainable Energy Investing and Financing Activation” project is funded under the Horizon 2020 scheme. The
coordinator of the project is PEDAL Consulting.
ROBIN – Circular bioeconomies
The project “ROBIN – Deploying circular BIOecoNomies at Regional level with a territorial approach” is set to empower Europe’s Regions. Especially with regard to the adaptation of their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets
RURALITIES – Climate, ecosystem and knowledge-based expertise
The project “RURALITIES – climate smart, ecosystem-enhancing and knowledge based rural expertise and training centres” delivers an ecosystem-enhancing and climate action driven expertise and learning framework.
Transition2BIO – Transition towards bioeconomy
Transition2BIO will built upon the most relevant communication and education EU funded projects and initiatives. It will contribute to the implementation of the updated 2018 EU Bioeconomy Strategy.
W4RES – Women as leaders in renewable energy shift
The heating and cooling market represents 50% of the total energy consumed in Europe per year – either for domestic or industrial purposes. Based on its high dependence on fossil fuels, the market-oriented action plan W4RES tackles the need of replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy sources (RES) in a gender-responsive scenario.
Green Tec Lab – Green start-ups for climate protection
The project “Empowerment for green start-ups to foster climate protection and sustainability (Green Tec Lab)” contributes to the development of user-oriented, innovative service structures in three target countries.