The project “SKILL BILL – Skill to boost innovation and professional fulfilment in a sustainable economy” aims to develop a large and strong foundation for the growth
ALFA – Unlocking biogas potential
The project “ALFA – Scaling up the market uptake of renewable
energy systems by unlocking the biogas potential of agriculture and livestock
farming” aims to support
SEIFA – Sustainable energy activation
The “SEIFA – Sustainable Energy Investing and Financing Activation” project is funded under the Horizon 2020 scheme. The
coordinator of the project is PEDAL Consulting.
Gen B – Educating young in bioeconomy
GenB is a project on Informing and educating young people on more sustainable behaviours and choices to build a future generation informed and interested in bioeconomy.
ROBIN – Circular bioeconomies
The project “ROBIN – Deploying circular BIOecoNomies at Regional level with a territorial approach” is set to empower Europe’s Regions. Especially with regard to the adaptation of their governance models and structures in ways that accelerate the achievement of their circular bioeconomy targets
RURALITIES – Climate, ecosystem and knowledge-based expertise
The project “RURALITIES – climate smart, ecosystem-enhancing and knowledge based rural expertise and training centres” delivers an ecosystem-enhancing and climate action driven expertise and learning framework.
Transition2BIO – Transition towards bioeconomy
Transition2BIO will built upon the most relevant communication and education EU funded projects and initiatives. It will contribute to the implementation of the updated 2018 EU Bioeconomy Strategy.
W4RES – Women as leaders in renewable energy shift
The heating and cooling market represents 50% of the total energy consumed in Europe per year – either for domestic or industrial purposes. Based on its high dependence on fossil fuels, the market-oriented action plan W4RES tackles the need of replacing fossil fuels by renewable energy sources (RES) in a gender-responsive scenario. – Mobilizing communities in bioeconomy
The strategic objective of “ – Mobilizing European Communities of Practice in bio-based systems for better governance and skills development networks in bioeconomy” is to support the establishment of the innovative governance models in bioeconomy training and skills development.
Green Tec Lab – Green start-ups for climate protection
The project “Empowerment for green start-ups to foster climate protection and sustainability (Green Tec Lab)” contributes to the development of user-oriented, innovative service structures in three target countries.
PopulAIR – Improving air quality in Slovakia
The 8-year project “LIFE-IP SK Improving air quality in Slovakia and surrounding countries” started in January 2020. Its aim is to support and reinforce the administrative structure and capacity.
T2gE – Transition to Green Economy
In spring 2016, PEDAL Consulting has been awarded a Horizon2020 grant to implement the T2gE project. The main objective of the project was to contribute to a transition towards a green economy in Europe. Mainly through the organization of the international conference “Transition to a green Economy” (T2gE).
This international conference was an event of major strategic nature during the Slovak Presidency of the European Council. It brought together a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Its ambition was to:
• improve understanding of the green economy concept,
• identify conclusions and pathways for transition
• involve and mobilise various actors and stakeholders in the discussions of possible future actions.
The conference also aimed at strengthening the synergy among various recent initiatives and programmes launched by the European Commission. Namely, i.e. 7EAP, Circular economy package, Energy Union, Juncker Commission’s priorities etc. and by the Member States, to the benefit of the overall coherence.